Bashamichi Campus
(Age 2 - Age 3)

Kannai Campus
(Age 4 - Grade 12)



Basketball - Student Choice Lesson

Afterschool July 19, 2024

In our Monday class, the Grade 1 Afterschool students had chosen to learn about basketball as their student's choice project. Many of the first graders really enjoy playing basketball, but unfortunately there wasn't a way to play basketball in our school's gym.

The 1st graders decided to take action into their own hands and make their own basketball court for their Monday project. This was a long and challenging project because they chose to make all of the materials needed to play basketball on their own. This included making their own backboards, rims, nets, jerseys and even the court that they would play on. I am proud to announce that these children successfully completed their project! The children chose to use common classroom items such as cardboard, yarn, felt, clothes hangers, and tape to make all of these times. They also showed remarkable creativity and teamwork, as everything they made was designed and constructed by them. I only offered support and guidance when needed.

CGK now has a fully functioning basketball court for all to enjoy, and it is thanks to the Grade 1 Afterschool students!

Author Profile

Reyes  -  Afterschool Teacher  (USA)us

Afterschool teacher at CGK International School. From the US.
After majored in international relations and global studies in universities, 12 years experience to teach in Japan.

See profile  >

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