Opinions and Experiences of Parents / Guardians
[3-year-old class] From a boy’s parents (June 2023)

He has only been enrolled in CGK for about two months, but every day I feel glad that we enrolled our child in CGK.
We think we had two or three chances to meet the teachers before enrolling our child, but after seeing the way they interacted with our child and the atmosphere they created, we decided to enroll him because we felt we could leave him in the care of the teachers here without any worries.
After enrollment, he was sometimes reluctant to go to school in the mornings until he got used to the new English environment and new friends, but we trusted the teachers and were able to send him off with the reassurance that there was nothing wrong with the school but that he just needed time to get used to it.
Now, he is completely accustomed to life at CGK and goes out every day with a smile on his face and comes home in high spirits. On his way home, he is quick to show us what he created at the school and tell us how much fun he had.
The teachers were very attentive and we appreciate that, especially during the period when our child was getting used to life at the school, and they gave us detailed information about how things were going at the school.
They have also set up opportunities for us to observe classes via YouTube Live, to attend Park Day events, and to talk with the teachers, so that we could see how our son spends time with his friends and teachers.
Through these experiences, we strongly felt that the teachers do not force the children to do anything, but respect their individual wishes and allow them to participate in activities little by little, which is why the children are able to be so active and happy.
We always really appreciate CGK because not only the teachers but also the bus staff and drivers carefully watch the children.
We would like to stay with CGK for a long time to come. Thank you very much.
[3-year-old class] From Y’s parents (June 2023)
We think the curriculum is very well-developed. In addition to English and Japanese lessons, students have P.E., swimming, crafts, and daily walks to different places, and the way they play is always different and good. On days when they can't go outside, they enjoy the various indoor activities, and they absorb new things one after another because the teachers make sure that everything they do has meaning and that they learn something. The teachers are very enthusiastic and energetic, so we feel that the children's curiosity, interest, and motivation are strong, leading to their growth.
We feel that the school is educating the children to acquire a broad perspective that will enable them to adapt to an era in which diversity will become even more important in the future. We look forward to seeing the detailed daily reports with pictures of what they did, how they did it, and what they learned, as this is the most important thing for parents to know. The app for communicating with the school is very convenient, and the school responds to inquiries and consultations in a friendly and courteous manner. The children enjoy watching DVDs, doing origami, etc. while they are on the school bus. We are very happy to see our child going to the school and coming back home every day saying, "I can't wait to go back!"
[4-year-old class] From Koki’s parents (June 2023)

My son has been with CGK since he was 3 years old. We decided on CGK because we wanted him to become comfortable with speaking English early on and have fun while learning.
We were surprised that my son, who had never even heard of English before, understood the English spoken by the teachers during the one year he spent in the Jungle (3-year-old) class. Sometimes he speaks English at home, and his pronunciation of English words is very good, and he tells us exactly how to pronounce them, saying, "No, it's not like that".
He was born in March, and his Japanese was not yet good enough when he entered the school, but learning English has given him an awareness of language, and his Japanese speaking and writing has improved dramatically. Now that he is four years old, he can even write hiragana and katakana, and we feel that he has grown.
CGK has provided a wide range of education, not only in languages, but also in culture, manners, environmental issues, and how to interact with friends. We appreciate that the teachers are working closely with the children so that they can think and act on their own.
Every day on the way home, we look forward to seeing him tell us with bright eyes about what he studied at CGK and how much fun he had. We are happy that we chose CGK. Thank you very much.
[5-year-old class] From N’s parents (July 2023)

At the last year of preschool (5-year-old class), my son has grown so much, not only in terms of language but also in terms of life skills. We see more and more of him reading English books with simple words using phonics and thinking hard. We also see growth in the way he looks at the calendar and checks his own schedule.
As he enters his final year of school, he has more and more activities in which he collaborates with his friends to create something, which we think is a really good experience for him.
We are impressed by the fact that the students are able to learn in a natural way about things that even their parents find difficult, such as environmental issues and gender diversity, and that they are able to gain honest awareness because they are children.
We are grateful to the teachers at CGK who create opportunities for the students to be exposed to such a variety of subjects.
[3-year-old class] From Shizuku’s parents (June 2023)

It has been three months since my daughter enrolled in school.
We decided to enroll her at CGK because we wanted her to have many experiences and challenges.
After graduating from the day-care center she was used to, she was a bit naïve in the new school environment, and we wondered if it was because of ego that we sent her there... But even then, my daughter never once said, "I don't want to go." We think it was thanks to the teachers and the supportive staff.
She has gradually come to enjoy her time at the school with a smile on her face, and every day she talks happily about what happened at the school and happily spreads out her creations at home.
When she opens the school door, she says "Good morning!" a little shyly, and when she comes home, she cheerfully says "I'm home!" Before meals, she imitates her homeroom teacher and sings English songs taught by the teachers, and sometimes says "I'm sleepy, and hungry" in English while eating. We are impressed every day to see such a natural flow of English even though she has been at CGK for only 3 months.
School life at CGK is very exciting and thrilling for my daughter! We, as parents, feel a lot of joy together with our daughter. We are looking forward to seeing her grow up even more in the future.
[5-year-old class] From Y.Y.’s parents (July 2023)

Both of my children are enrolled in CGK.
Since they were attending a licensed childcare facility before CGK, we were looking for a kindergarten that would also take care of them for as long as possible.
We decided to enroll our children in CGK after learning at an open school session that they would be able to acquire the best aspects of both Japanese and overseas kindergartens.
Both of them started speaking English at home about 3 months after entering the school. We can also see what they are learning at school as they talk at home about the activities they did when learning about traditional Japanese culture. Another attractive feature of the school is that P.E. and swimming lessons are available throughout the year.
There are many activities that we would not have been able to experience at home or at other preschools, and we are very thankful for that.
We look forward to CGK's continued efforts to nurture global children.
[5-year-old class] From Hikari’s parents (June 2023)

They not only have activities at school, but they also take my daughter to various places for off-campus activities, and she enjoys experiencing these outings with her friends.
All the teachers at CGK seem to interact with my daughter, not just her classroom teachers, and we are happy to say that this is a very good environment for learning communication.
We are very thankful for the long daycare hours, lunch service, and bus service to and from school, as both of us work.
[4-year-old class] From Sayaka’s parents (July 2023)

Since she started attending CGK, she has visibly changed from a withdrawn personality to a very active child. The teachers are very supportive and do not seem to overlook anything, so as parents, we feel comfortable leaving our child in their care.
Whenever CGK is closed, she always asks, "Is there CGK tomorrow?" When there is, she happily shouts, "Yay!". When there is no CGK, she will grumble and say, "Why isn't there CGK tomorrow?"
The teachers do not say no to what she wants to do, but praise her and say "good idea." This is very helpful because it encourages her to explore what she wants to do and to do things she cannot do at home.
[4-year-old class] From U’s parents (June 2023)

My son attended a licensed nursery school until he was 2 years old. Both of us parents and our son were anxious about the new environment of an international school (CGK) for the first time at 3 years old.
However, thanks to the generous support of the teachers, my son now goes to school every day with a smile on his face.
Although my child is relatively unique, we feel that CGK prioritizes his feelings, does not force him to do things he does not like, and encourages him to do the things he does like.
In particular, at the Spring Recital, the teachers were very accommodating in helping my son create a role, and he was asked to play the role of his favorite "railroad crossing".
Even now, he keeps the crossing and plays with it.
We look forward to seeing the pictures and messages sent to us every day from the school, as they always come up with something exciting for the children.
[5-year-old class] From R.A.'s parents (July 2021)

Since we both work, we needed day care that could look after our daughter all day, so we decided to enroll her in CGK because we wanted her time to be spent meaningfully. After she started at CGK, I was often anxious about being away from her for the first time, but I still remember how relieved I was when I could see her day in detail with pictures. I still remember how reassuring it was for me to see her face in the pictures and her daily activities.
My daughter really loves CGK, and on weekends she says, "I can't wait to go to CGK! When I ask her about school after she comes home, she always says, "It was fun!"
When she started at CGK she had no idea about English, but every day to our surprise, she got better and better, singing all kinds of English songs at home soon after starting. Even when the school was temporarily closed due Covid19, she sang English songs every day, saying "Circle Time!"
Now, her younger sister is singing along with her.
In addition to the global education, I am very pleased that the school has been so creative in its curriculum, mixing childcare and kindergarten education in a variety of ways. They have a wide-ranging and fun curriculum that includes keyboard harmonica, Pygmalion, swimming and gymnastics lessons, as well as opportunities to learn about sign language, transgenderism, environmental issues, and so on. When they learn something new, they receive an explanation in advance and then they have a real hands-on experience, so I think they can get a much deeper understanding.
Also, on sunny days, the children play outside, and from all the walking and running around my daughter has gained a lot of physical strength since starting school. The school bus takes them to parks that are a bit farther away, making the day more special, and they seem to really enjoy it. Before my daughter started at CGK, I didn't expect the curriculum to be so well-developed, so once again I am really glad that I decided on this preschool, and I myself really love CGK.
I'm really grateful that I can feel free to talk to the teachers anytime, even about small matters, and they answer kindly each time.
Also, events such as Summer Festival, Halloween, and Sports Day are always so much fun, the teachers put a lot of effort into planning everything.
My daughter loves her teachers and friends, and when I see her happily talking about her experiences at preschool and what she has learned, I think it’s wonderful that she can have such a good time and learn English naturally in this kind of environment.
[4-year-old class] From Rei's parents (July 2021)

As our family was transferred to London, England, our daughter was born there and grew up in an English environment until 4yrs 3months old. She went to a local daycare from the age of 1 and was able to speak English in daily conversation, and even when playing by herself or in her sleep. When we were thinking about what to do for her education after returning to Japan, we found out that there was a vacancy in the 2nd class (4 yr-olds) at CGK, so I visited the school, and ended up enrolling our daughter.
When we were looking for a kindergarten in Japan, we were very concerned that our child could learn and develop English through communication with teachers and friends, and that the teachers would be both professional and enthusiastic. During the visit, I felt that all the teachers were wonderful, and when I saw that my daughter repeatedly wanted to return to the class we had visited, I asked to enroll her on the spot. The school director accepted with a smile, saying there was no reason to refuse a child with such a rich international experience. I feel so grateful.
For my daughter, living in Japan for the first time, she was often confused by the differences between life in England and life in Japan, so the teachers took a lot of time with her, especially in the beginning. Whenever we had questions or requests, these were always taken seriously and the information communicated clearly with the teachers, staff, and even the bus staff, which gave me great peace of mind.
As parents, we wonder how our children are spending their days. Using the app, the school communicates with us through daily activity reports and many photos. We look forward to seeing these every day.
Finally, after all the kindness we've received from CGK, I can't help but think what a wonderful preschool we have found. As for our family, we are so happy to have found such a trustworthy school that our daughter enjoys attending. And we are really grateful for the opportunity to work with CGK. I would highly recommend CGK!! Thank you for your support CGK, we look forward to working together in the future.
[4-year-old class] From Darsha's parents (July 2021 / Updated July 2023)

CGK is very good at bringing up the children in all kinds of activities like job training, which focuses on developing their exposure to the outside world along with their studies.
CGK Preschool is not just an English teaching school. It stands unique from other international schools by teaching the Japanese mindset with an international curriculum and exposure. The staff is very supportive. Overall gives the best start in academics! Highly recommend!
[4-year-old class] From K.T.'s parents (July 2021)

In our family, neither parent can speak English. Our child was not taught English conversation until he went to school. However, we thought it was necessary for him to be open-minded towards English in the future, so we were looking for an environment where he could have fun with English instead of just studying. At that time, we learned about CGK.
Since we are both working parents, we liked that the school, unlike other international schools, offers extended care in addition to the regular 8:30am - 5:00pm hours, and shorter summer vacation, but longer hours, etc. I also learned that during the day they offer Japanese classes to learn Japanese culture and manners, and that the curriculum includes swimming, intellectual education, food education, etc. So, after visiting we decided to enroll our child.
After my son started school, I again felt that the curriculum was really well thought out and meaningful, the teachers are attentive to individual students, and my child enjoys the time there every day.
Also, my son, now in his second year (4 yrs-old), was not even aware of the English language before starting at the preschool, but can now converse with his teachers in English and read in English. I am surprised every day at his growth. His English pronunciation in conversation is really beautiful and now I have my own little English teacher.
I can't wait to see his growth in the future. I am really happy with CGK. Looking forward to working together in the future.
[5-year-old / 3-year-old class] From R and N's parents (July 2021)

My older child has been enrolled since she was 2yrs old and enjoys school every day.
She can now read many words in English by herself, and a few simple books. Before we knew it, she could write Japanese hiragana, and it seems every day at preschool she learns something new.
I am especially impressed by the unique "Job training" projects at CGK, which help the children develop their independence and creativity.
I think that CGK has created a wonderful environment where children are exposed to global perspectives from an early age, things that they will need to know in the future, such as gender and environmental issues.
I was worried because my younger child started at 3yrs old and had no previous English exposure at all. However, within a month, he started saying simple English words such as "No." and "Come on." Seeing them come home with smiles every day, I can see that they are having a fun both in English and Japanese. I am looking forward to their continued growth and development at CGK, where they can see, feel, and learn many things.
CGK is the best place for our children to have fun and relax every day.
[5-year-old / 3-year-old class] From Yuno and Tomose's parents (July 2021)

Since it is an international school, it is natural that they spend a lot of time on English, but with Japanese events held in Japanese, the children don't get confused and use both English and Japanese properly.
As parents, we look forward to seeing photos on the app of what they are doing every day.
[4-year-old class] From Gaku's parents (July 2021)

After my son graduated from a small local daycare, I wasn't sure if it was better to send him to a licensed preschool, but when the Early Childhood Education and Childcare subsidies system started, I wanted the next 3 years to be meaningful so I decided to send him to CGK.
It has been a year and a few months since we enrolled him, and he is learning English naturally and trying his best to communicate in English what he wants to say. I feel that this is a very precious time for my son since he spends most of his time at preschool with native English-speaking teachers.
CGK also has optional classes like "Pygmalion" on weekdays after school, which is a great system for working parents.
The teachers are cheerful and very friendly, my son has gotten used to the school and enjoys going there every day.
[4-year-old class] From R.O.'s parents (July 2021)

Since she started at CGK, she has never once said she didn't want to go to school. On her way home every day, she tells me about what happened that day and what is happening tomorrow, and I can tell that she is having a lot of fun.
I am grateful for CGK's policies and the kind way the teachers treat the children.
Looking forward to working together in the future.
[3-year-old class] From Fumika's parents (July 2021)

CGK provides not just English education, but an all-round education that includes communicating with other children and good manners.
They also have optional programs such as intellectual training and dance, etc. so the children can enjoy various lesson programs just by attending CGK, which is quite helpful for us as a family with two working parents.
[5-year-old class] From Y.S.'s parents (July 2021)
We wanted our daughter to become familiar with English, so we were looking for an international school. After much consideration, we chose CGK because we liked the school's atmosphere, hygiene management, events, initiatives, etc. Another deciding factor was that all the teachers are professionals in childcare.
After starting school, I was surprised to see my daughter learning English at a speed I did not expect, communicating with her teachers and friends.
I am always awestruck at the ideas and energy of the teachers when it comes to daily programs and seasonal events. Also, the inclusion of global education such as SDGs and LGBT was a great experience for my daughter.
I feel that this high level of education and providing experiences without placing barriers because she is "a child" has led to her mental and emotional growth.
I hope that my daughter will continue to enjoy elementary school life by taking initiative and using the many things she learned at CGK.
[4-year-old class] From M's parents (June 2018)

Since my child transferred to CGK during his birthday month, the preschool held a birthday party on his first day to make it easier for him to get used to the new school. The teachers also used the app to send me pictures of my son and how he was doing, both in the morning and afternoon, which was very reassuring.
After leaving the preschool on the first day he said: "I like my new school better! I want to go back tomorrow!" He was smiling and telling me about his day and the friends he had made.
Even after that, every day, using the app, the staff sends daily updates on how things are going at the preschool and detailed information on important matters. I can also ask questions directly which puts my mind at ease.
This also helps me converse with my son, since at his age it's difficult for him to explain to me everything he learned.
His former preschool was all-English, there was no chance to speak Japanese, so what he could ask or talk about was naturally limited, and I got the impression that not enough attention was paid to the students, so he never talked about school at home. He's not very outgoing, but at a class visit a week after the transfer I was surprised to see him raise his hand, it was my first time to see how quickly he was becoming more proactive. Everyone was on the same page and working together, and the teachers were keeping to the pace of the children.
The teachers are very attentive, my son knows all their names (even from other classes) and whenever he wants to know something, he immediately says, "I'll ask the teacher tomorrow!" He also has a favorite teacher besides his homeroom teacher. You can see that a relationship of trust with the children has been properly established throughout the preschool.
At the previous preschool, there was homework from the age of 3, and I was concerned about semi-lingualism because there was no time for Japanese. If my child can't speak Japanese properly, he may fall behind after entering elementary school. I had a lot of anxieties about this, but at CGK, all of them have been resolved.
Besides English, the children learn and perform cultural songs like at other preschool in Japan, which makes their grandparents very happy because they can see their performances.
The atmosphere at CGK is warm and friendly, and all the teachers are qualified, making it easy to discuss learning and childcare, so I don't feel like I worry alone anymore.
All the teachers are very enthusiastic. They teach the children about dining etiquette and then go experience a real French restaurant. Or they learn about pollution problems, then go clean the neighborhood. They don't cram one thing into a single day, but take time to teach from various perspectives so the children stay interested, and they provide hands-on experiences, not just watching and listening, so the children understand more deeply.
They do things that we can't do at home, and sometimes parents can participate too, so you can have valuable experiences with your child and make wonderful memories.
[2-year-old class] From K's parents (September 2016)

Each of the teachers is unique with a solid career in childcare and education. Whenever I have a question, they always give me advice based on experience and tailored individually to my child. This is very helpful and reassuring.
The amount of information they share with me about my child's behavior is also very helpful, it's a great relief to know how he is doing at preschool and how he is growing.
I am very happy to have found this preschool. My son is happy and having a great time, and I feel grateful in my heart every time I see him at school.
He is now able to concentrate for longer periods of time, and when he fails at something, he doesn't get frustrated, but rather enjoys trying again to overcome the challenge.
Although he entered preschool with almost no background in English, he is absorbing English at a faster pace than I had imagined. I don't mean he is memorizing the standard English greetings found in textbooks, but he is actually conversing (communicating). I envy him this environment a little, as I once struggled bitterly with English, but now without the stress of being forced to study passively, my son can acquire Japanese and English naturally while having fun and satisfying his intellectual curiosity.
My son's daily life is full of things like "the desire to know," "a first-time surprise," "the fun of a challenge," "the joy of accomplishment," "the fun of creativity," etc. He also has precious friends with rich personalities in his daily life and meaningful rules to follow. And there are teachers who steadfastly watch over the children, lovingly and carefully. When my son comes home from preschool, he always has a big smile on his face and tries his best to tell me, his mother, about his full, busy day. Everything is good, and I'm glad to have found this preschool.
[2-year-old class] From R's parents (September 2016)

We decided to enroll our child in CGK because the teachers and staff involved were very enthusiastic, with good ideas about gaining language skills for the future.
My child seems to enjoy going to the school every day and sings English songs when he comes home, so I think he is having a great time learning English.
He is now interested in a variety of things both in English and Japanese.
He happily sings songs that are Japanese but with English words, so it seems like he's just naturally integrating into English.
I am very grateful to both the foreign teachers and the Japanese teachers who have studied abroad and for all their hard work.
I'm also very grateful for the comments, photos, videos, etc. that they send to us through the app to let us know how things are going at the preschool.
It makes me very happy to hear my child happily talk about school after he comes home.
CGK has also been great about organizing field trips, summer festivals, etc., and other things that are not easy for a preschool.
Thanks to CGK, I really appreciate that my child has been exposed to so many fun experiences and has been able to enjoy learning English through them.
[2-year-old class] After the "Summer Festival" (August, 2016)

Thank you for the other day.
The teachers said, "You're going to enjoy this!" but it was even better than we could have imagined.
The taiko drum performance was really powerful, and that alone was impressive, but then there was a workshop for the kids afterwards!
Despite their initial surprise, they immediately went to experience the drums, listened attentively enjoyed beatings the drums, I really felt how much they've grown.
After returning home, my son repeatedly shouted "boom" with all his might, "I hit the drum, boom boom boom!"
I was also impressed with how carefully the teachers prepared in advance, from decorations to gimmicks for the games, etc. the moms were saying to the other moms "how lucky our kids are that they get to do all this!"
From the children's faces we can see that their relationship with the teachers is growing closer every day, and they have established a strong relationship built on trust.
Thank you to all the teachers for holding a wonderful summer festival.
It was a great memory for me and my child.
I am now really looking forward to the next event! Thank you very much for your fine work.
The "Summer Festival" was so wonderful and moving!! I had no idea it would be so amazing; I was just thrilled! The teachers must have worked very hard to prepare the event. We appreciate it!! Thank you so much!!
☆ I was completely fascinated by the children's Bon Odori ♥
u. We really enjoyed the summer festival. The teachers must have worked very hard to prepare these wonderful decorations. Thanks to you, our whole family was very happy. Thank you so much. The teachers' yukata was wonderful ♥
[2-year-old class] After "Sports Day" (November, 2016)

Thank you so much for holding the Sports Day!
It was an unforgettable day with wonderful memories and almost no dry eyes! (Even writing about it, I feel a few tears coming.)
The children ran, jumped, marched, got bumped around by the grown-up dads in the boat race, and had a blast in the ball drop. They even performed a choreographed dance!
Thank you so much to all the teachers who worked so hard to prepare for and guide the children through this Sports Day!
I am truly grateful to you for giving us the opportunity to enjoy this moving event.
I just wanted to thank you so much for your help at Sports Day!
I am so impressed with how much my child has grown in the seven months since they started at CGK.
I was really happy to have a Sports Day, I thought there wouldn't be one this year because it's the first year the school was open. It was a truly enjoyable and memorable day, we were able to watch the competitions, see the support of the teachers, and get a glimpse into the everyday lives of the children in preschool.
I think it really helped strengthen the bonds between parents and children.
Thank you very much for the well-planned Sports Day!!
The program was well thought out making it easy to see the children's progress. With events both parents and children could participate in, it was fun for everyone!
The management and the teachers were clearly eager to provide the children with a great Sports Day experience, thank you so much!
Elementary School
[Grade 1 class] From Gaku's parents (June 2023)

My son has been a student at CGK Preschool for 3 years and has been attending CGK Elementary School since April of this year. We were very worried about whether to enroll in a Japanese elementary school or CGK, as it would greatly change my son's future path, but we decided on CGK because we thought that learning English well at an early age and being in a global environment would benefit our son's future. We also decided to enroll our son in CGK Elementary School because he enjoyed going to CGK Preschool every day for 3 years and had many wonderful experiences there.
It has been three months since he entered the school and he really enjoys going there every day. He seems to enjoy taking the IB UOI and also the Japanese classes. We recently had a "parent observation", and the way the teacher conducted the class drew out the children's curiosity to the maximum extent, and we could see that all the students really seemed to enjoy learning. The small class size and the fact that there are many opportunities for output, such as speaking up and making presentations, is also a wonderful environment for my son, who has a shy personality.
We are looking forward to seeing my son's growth in the future at CGK!
[Grade 2 class] From Gabriel's parents (July 2023)

We love CGK International School and we love the IB program. Everyone works together to help the students learn by themselves, develop independence, and work in harmony with the group.
[Grade 2 class] From R's parents (July 2023)

She is happy to be back in elementary G2 at CGK, her favorite school where she spent 4 years as a preschool student. She had attended CGK Afterschool, but since she had spent grade 1 at a public elementary school, we were a little worried that she would not be able to return to a daily English-speaking lifestyle, however, it seems that she had learned a lot at the preschool, and she quickly adjusted to her new life and enjoys going to school every day. She is shy and does not speak up, but we are relieved to know that the small class size and the approach taken by the teachers are suited to her personality. As for the classes, she especially likes the IB UOI class. We hope that the experience of exchanging opinions with her friends and thinking about various things will lead to her future growth.
[Grade 1 class] From Masumi's parents (July 2023)

Every morning our son is greeted by the big smile of the principal of CGK Elementary School, and he enjoys going to school. The classes taught by the homeroom teachers and other enthusiastic teachers from around the world are very multifaceted, and we are delighted to see how he is naturally expanding his interests in a variety of directions.
[Afterschool: Grade 4] From Yuina's parents (July 2023)

She enrolled in the first class of CGK Preschool and is currently attending the CGK Afterschool while attending a public elementary school.
The inquisitiveness, curiosity, and rational leadership qualities that she has developed at CGK from an early age cannot be contained within the confines of a Japanese elementary school education, and we plan to transfer her to CGK Elementary School next year.
Since I myself don't understand English at all, I have made it a rule to have a solid Japanese environment at home and an English environment at CGK, which has allowed her to be incredibly bilingual.
Thanks to CGK's policy of not stifling her curiosity and encouraging her to enjoy everything she does, she is able to discover things every day and her insatiable appetite for knowledge seems to know no bounds.
Just as she looks forward to attending CGK, I am very much looking forward to her growth.
Thank you very much.
[Afterschool: Grade 4] From Eito's parents (June 2023)

We moved just as he was starting elementary school, so he had a different bilingual preschool before the move and then started attending CGK Afterschool after the move.
In the beginning, we were a little worried about whether he would be able to keep up with the high level of English at CGK, but his time at CGK is always filled with fascinating activities and projects that the children can actively and proactively work on. The teachers are very attentive and supportive of the students' development, so our son immediately loved going to CGK, and our worries soon vanished. In addition, on days when his elementary school finishes early or when there are days off, he always asks for the early extended care at CGK so that he can go to CGK as soon as possible, even if it's just for a minute or a second!
Because he is constantly exposed to a living English environment, he seems to see English and Japanese in the same way, as "a means of communicating" and is able to read books and write his diary in either English or Japanese without struggling. In addition, we are really impressed with the CGK library and diary that are designed to help students learn English in an independent and fun way at home, allowing them to make time to naturally to work on English even when they are not at CGK.
Without the CGK Afterschool, he would not be able to enjoy an environment where he could use English in a familiar way while living in Japan, so this is a real treasure for my son.
[Afterschool: Grade 1] From K.T.'s parents (June 2023)

Our son attended the CGK Preschool and very much wanted to join the CGK Afterschool. We also wanted him to maintain his English and communication skills that he had gained at the CGK Preschool.
He now attends three times a week, and while maintaining the English skills he learned in CGK Preschool, he learns about nature, animals, countries and other things the children are interested in. From the weekly PBL theme they make YouTube videos and learn about various points of view, which is very different from other elementary schools in Japan. They enjoy themselves in a completely new and fresh environment.
I'm sure he will continue to enjoy learning from the CGK Afterschool. Thank you so much.
[Afterschool: Grade 1] From Hakuba's parents (July 2023)

The CGK Afterschool program offers content-rich project (PBL) themes such as geography, animation, body composition, etc., which our son enjoys very much.
Also, he has been able to strengthen his English reading skills at the reading corner and improve his speaking skills through communication with teachers and class presentations. In addition, students can play games and sports in the sports corner. Even though it's an afterschool program, they really get a wealth of learning.