Bashamichi Campus
(Age 2 - Age 3)

Kannai Campus
(Age 4 - Grade 12)



CGK Summer School 2024 Summary Report

Afterschool September 11, 2024

CGK Afterschool’s Autumn School program is just around the corner!

This year saw our biggest and best Summer School ever! With a record number of sign ups we had the pleasure of welcoming so many new faces, while also getting to reconnect with returning Seasonal School students that we had all been really looking forward to seeing again.

This year we were fortunate to welcome a wide variety of guest teachers from across CGK that brought not only a vast array of experience, but also perspectives and ideas from many different backgrounds that they got to share with the students. During the guest teachers classes students got to experience a vast array of topics ranging from Aboriginal Australian art, Ancient Aztec marble runs, Roman spaghetti bridges, creating giant original wallpaper, to yoga adventures to name just a few!

As usual we also had the opportunity to visit various fun and educational locations for our field trips and even got the chance this year to check out a special exhibition about Japanese swords at Miraikan. One of our students is extremely knowledgeable about Japanese history so it was great to see him sharing his knowledge with other students and teachers alike!

Although it was sad to say goodbye I am looking forward to hopefully seeing everyone again at our next seasonal school. We will be holding Autumn School on October 15th and 16th where we will be creating our own haunted houses at our Halloween event and creating an original Harvest Festival.

Author Profile

Dan  -  Afterschool Head Teacher  (UK)Britain

Afterschool head teacher at CGK International School. From the UK.

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