Bashamichi Campus
(Age 2 - Age 3)

Kannai Campus
(Age 4 - Grade 12)



ES Camping Trip

Elementary School September 5, 2024

Another three-day, two-night camping trip for our elementary school flew by during our balanced week over the summer break this year. Just like last time, we went to America Camp Village up on Okutama and we had a great time. The objective of our camping trip was to present the students with a lot of opportunities to take action and develop their autonomy. For some, it was just another camping experience, for others it was the first time they slept away from their home and families.

Although, because of the facilities available, we are not in touch with nature as much as a traditional camping, we were still able to help them develop their sense of solidarity, trust, cooperation, integration, respect, personal and collective commitment through the activities we did. This year we spent more time playing in the river, inside with cards and board games and talking with our friends.

It was great to see them supporting each other during some teary moments, especially when some of the youngest students missed their families at night. We observed students holding their hands and talking to them, giving words of encouragement and playing games with their friends. Fortunately, those somewhat sad moments were short and quickly put aside by the students.

We also tackled the soon-to-be legendary athletic course, with ease. Some of our students experienced it last year and they had the chance to redo it, outperforming even some of their teachers. It was amazing to see the old struggles and fears that they fought through last year disappear, leaving behind nothing else but laughs and cheers.

The students were also able to participate actively during the preparation of the meals, cutting fruits for breakfast, making their own patties and s’mores, washing their plates and helping with the general organization of the cabin. It was, like we said before, one of our main goals to generate an autonomous performance in the life of the participants, strengthening identity. And they did a great job!

Overall, our second camping trip was a great experience and a success from our end. Camping trips like this is when the environment becomes an open classroom and the activities become significantly indelible experiences. We’ll continue to improve every year, giving the students the time and space for them to develop their skills and identities, helping them to become the best versions of themselves.

Author Profile

Facundo  -  Elementary & Preschool P.E. Teacher  (Argentina)Argentina

Elementary & preschool P.E. teacher at CGK International School.
Experience as a P.E. teacher at international schools in Japan (Elementary, Middle and High School) with IB and Cambridge curriculums.

See profile  >

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