Study abroad and contributions to education
At CGK, we are currently engaging in a variety of initiatives, one of which is promoting overseas study programs. I (Minoru, school president) am delighted that we were able to fully launch these programs in March of this year.
I want to emphasize that I am not someone who blindly believes in the superiority of overseas. Having experienced life overseas myself, I am one of those who realized how wonderful Japan is and I have come to deeply appreciate the wonderfulness of Japan. However, the experiences I gained abroad were invaluable and remain a significant part of my life. They were a wonderful opportunity that profoundly changed my life. I ventured abroad at the age of 26, right after the Great East Japan Earthquake, but I often wish I had studied abroad sooner. I frequently wonder how different my perspective on the world might have been if I had taken that step 20 years earlier.
Following our elementary school students’ solo study abroad to Vancouver, Canada in July, a parent-child study abroad program was conducted in August, where a 4-year-old and his parent traveled to Melbourne, Australia. Australia, being a country of immigrants, means that the children at the local daycare center come from a diverse array of cultural backgrounds. One of our staff members accompanied the family to Melbourne and has been visiting various schools across Australia. She has been providing us with daily updates, exploring not only the possibilities for future study programs and partnerships but also the potential for CGK’s international business ventures during her one-month stay. Each time I receive these reports, I feel a sense of envy, imagining our CGK students studying abroad for short or even year-long stays at such wonderful schools. These schools provide an environment where students naturally develop the ability to embrace diverse cultural backgrounds and experience an education that is truly dedicated to nurturing their growth.
At CGK, we are not just teaching our children English. We are nurturing their independence, broadening their horizons, and equipping them with the skills and mindset needed to thrive anywhere in the world. Just as my own sons, aged 5 and 3 (as of March this year), quickly adapted to their school and kindergarten in New Zealand, I am confident that with the right support, our students will also experience significant growth, despite any initial hesitation.
I often ponder how I can best convey the inspiration I felt during my own overseas experiences and the incredible journey my sons have had while studying abroad. This is what drives me to regularly update the content on our blog and website.
Our strong emphasis on studying abroad is not driven by a fleeting excitement for new and enjoyable business (though we always maintain a spirit of inquiry for new things!), nor is it to achieve impressive accomplishments for appearances. Each initiative at CGK is not primarily aimed at expanding the company, but rather at contributing to 'education' itself, ensuring that every child and everyone involved with CGK continues as lifelong learners. With a constant focus on giving back to the CGK community and a commitment to our foundational principles, CGK will continue to grow and evolve.
Author Profile
Minoru Kai - School Founder, CGK International School (Japan)
Born in 1984, father to two children.
After residence and stay in Australia, Canada and America, worked at an advertising agency concurrently in overseas exhibition work and domestic advertising work.
He also founded CGK International School (Yokohama) from scratch and provides management consulting for international schools.