Bashamichi Campus
(Age 2 - Age 3)

Kannai Campus
(Age 4 - Grade 12)



A Bug's Life

Preschool June 29, 2022

This month, the Mountain (4-year-old) students have been looking at bugs. It follows the children looking at plants last month and the arrival of the rainy season, where a lot of bugs get ready to come out.

In the classroom, the children looked at different types of bugs and their habitats. There is a lot that we can learn in the classroom. But with a topic such as bugs, it's best to hit the great outdoors to where the bugs are.


At the nearby parks, there were a plentiful amount of roly-poly bugs for the children to collect. These bugs now live in terrariums that the children have cultivated by filling it with leaves and stones that they gathered.


They will observe and keep visual records of the bugs by drawing and sketching them. Taking the learning out of the classroom is a fun and valuable learning experience. But being able to bring the outdoors into the classroom is a unique learning experience.

Author Profile

John  -  Preschool Principal  (Australia)Australia

Preschool Principal of CGK International School. From Australia.
After studying Education at the University of New South Wales (Australia), over 10 years of teaching from kindergarten to high school in Japan. Entertainer.

See profile  >

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