Bashamichi Campus
(Age 2 - Age 3)

Kannai Campus
(Age 4 - Grade 12)


IB World School

CGK International School

Now accepting applications
for admission in April 2025


CGK Times November Issue Released
Open School : May 10, Preschool | Weekdays (Individual), Elementary & Middle

International School in Yokohama
to 12+4-Year Continuum Education

CGK is the only integrated international school in Yokohama with April enrollment.
More than 230 students from 2 years old to elementary school attend the school,
which plans to open a middle school in 2025 and a high school in 2028.

As an International Baccalaureate IB PYP World School, our world-class curriculum and progressive,
future-oriented approach to education foster independent, lifelong learners,
while we, the school, continue to move forward with our students.

Educational Mission and Code of Conduct

With the mission of "maximizing your opportunities for happiness in an increasingly global world," we have been providing a high quality inquiry-based learning curriculum since the school's opening.

We contribute to creating a better and more peaceful world by developing young talent into internationally-minded individuals.

Mission & Values

Preschool (Age 2-5)

IB PYP World School. Full-time, 5-days-a-week enrichment curriculumfor children ages 3-5 (from 2 days a week for children age 2). Providing quality childcare and education that also nurtures non-cognitive skills, such as communication and emotional maturity through a global education centered on self-expression, critical thinking skills and a spirit of inquiry.

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Elementary School (Grade 1-5)

IB PYP World School. Providing practical inquiry-based learning through a transdisciplinary system. As a non-article one school with a flexible curriculum, CGK's global education incorporates IB (International Baccalaureate) and other world-standard curriculum.

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Middle School (Grade 6-9)

Scheduled to open April 2025. Explore learning by focusing on deeper and more focused concepts than the IB PYP curriculum. Students continue to make broad connections across subjects, but move towards more subject specific learning. Students will experience a one-year study abroad program in 7th grade to develop diverse perspectives and values from a young age.

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High School (Grade 10-12)

Scheduled to open April 2028. Providing students with the opportunity to extend their learning and make connections across disciplines. Also CGK will provide an environment to nurture internationally-minded individuals that can contribute to a better world, maximizing opportunities for happiness in an increasingly global world.

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Solid Structure to Support CGK's Growth

The following is an introduction to CGK's educational systems and the faculty and staff who support it.

Education and childcare are not mechanical manifestations of the policies of an organization,
but rather, a reflection the passion and enthusiasm of all staff members involved.
Through the collaboration of our faculty and staff with diverse backgrounds and the policies that CGK aims to achieve,
we provide quality education and childcare.

  • 12+4-Year Continuum Education

    Continuum education from 2 years old until high school graduation. Continuity in our activities allows us to focus on education that is truly important for the future of the students, without wasting time on boring, repetitive studying.

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  • IB Education

    The International Baccalaureate (IB) Education is an all-round education to develop internationally-minded individuals. Through IB education, we provide a consistent educational program from preschool onward.

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  • Message

    Find out about the school's founder, his passion for education and the process of opening the school. This will make clear the source of our consistent philosophy and the motivation behind it, that is, a happy and prosperous future for children.

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  • Faculty & Staff

    Our professional staff take the education of children very seriously. Everyone has a unique, diverse background, and some are trilingual.

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*(日本語は英語の後で) On November 16th (Saturday), a joint Professional Development (PD) session for Preschool and Elementary School was held📖This PD session was optional, and 16 participants from Preschool and 7 from Elementary School attended. Ms. Darby, the IB PYP Coordinator at CGK, facilitated the session, which focused on “Assessment” and “Inquiry.✏️“Assessment” means “evaluation.” However, in the context of children, assessment is not primarily about evaluating; it is a reflection and record of the children’s current growth in order to understand their progress and provide further support. It’s primary purpose is to allow us to tailor learning to meet the needs of our students and for them to reflect on their growth.One moment that stood out was when a teacher was asked about the purpose of conducting assessments for children. One teacher answered, “It’s really fun to see how far they’ve come at the end of the school year,” which was very memorable😊Check out the stories/hightlights for more details!✨11月16日(土)に、プリスクールと初等部の合同でPD(Professional Development / 専門的能力を高めるトレーニング)が行われました📖この日のPDは希望者参加型でしたが、プリスクールから16名、初等部から7名が参加し、CGKの国際バカロレアIB PYPコーディネーターであるMs. Darbyがファシリテーターを務め、“Assessment”と“inquiry”についての研修が行われました✏️“Assessment”とは直訳すると「評価」ですが、子供たちに対するAssessmentは、単なる「評価」ではなく、子供たちの現在の成長を把握し、さらなるサポートをするための振り返りと記録です。子どもたちのAssessmentを行う理由について先生が問いかけられた際、1人の先生が“It’s really fun to see how far they’ve come at the end of the school year. (1年を終えた時に、子供たちがどれだけ成長したかを見るのは本当に楽しい)“と答えたことが、とても印象的でした😊詳しくはぜひストーリー/ハイライトをご覧ください✨#internationalschool #IB #cgkis #elementaryschool #preschool #yokohama #プリスクール横浜 #インターナショナル保育園 #横浜 #インターナショナルスクール横浜 #国際バカロレア #初等部 #professionaldevelopment #職員研修
(日本語は英語の後で)【Open School for CGK Elementary/Middle School】🕘Sunday, December 15th 9:00AM(JP) / 11:15AM(EN) / 2:45PM(JP)*The last group session on weekend in 2024. Individual sessions remain available on weekdays.For students who are eligible for enrolment in April 2025 are invited to attend the Elementary School Orientation on the end of February. To ensure a smooth enrolment process, we recommend that prospective students attend our open school in January😊Whether or not you have a definite intention to enrol, please feel free to participate. This invitation extends to those who have attended in the past or those targeting enrolment from the 2025 academic year onwards!Children are welcome to join on the day👫It’s also a good opportunity to learn about IB.【CGK初中等部説明会のご案内】🕘12月15日(日) 9:00(日本語) / 11:15(英語) / 14:45(日本語)2024年内の初中等部説明会(週末開催)は残り1回となります。25年4月入学が対象の方は、2月末の初中等部オリエンテーションにご参加いただきます。滞りなく入学手続きを進めるためにも、ご検討中の方は年内に説明会へご参加いただくことをおすすめいたします😊過去にご参加済みの方や、2025年度以降が対象の方もどうぞお気軽にご参加ください!当日はお子様もお連れ頂けます👫国際バカロレアIBについてもたっぷりお話しますのでぜひお越し下さい!#InternationalSchool #IB #yokohama #cgkis #インターナショナルスクール #インターナショナルスクール横浜 #国際バカロレア #横浜
CGK School Festival 2024 in CGK International School Kannai Campus on Sunday, October 27. RSVP here![EN][JA]



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