Bashamichi Campus
(Age 2 - Age 3)

Kannai Campus
(Age 4 - Grade 12)


Afterschool Contact

Inquiries and admission applications for Afterschool. Feel free to contact us for more information on open schools, interviews, community interaction proposals, partnerships, consultancy requests, internships, etc.

Before Submission

  • The information you have registered will be managed appropriately and will not be provided or disclosed to any third party without your consent. Please read our Privacy Policy before sending your information.
  • Please note that it may take some time for us to reply depending on the content of your inquiry. Thank you for your understanding.

LINE Inquiries


Telephone Inquiries

Tel. 045-211-4690
Telephone Reception Hours: 10:00am-6:15pm

Please use the LINE or the form below to sign up for the open school or admission.

*Please switch tabs according to your wishes.

  • Inquiry
  • Admission Application

    What is your inquiry about? *Required
    Parent/Guardian's name *Required
    Child's first name *Required
    Child's last name *Required
    Child's gender *Required
    Child's birth date *Required
    Child's current school grade *Required

    e.g. 5 year old class, grade 1

    Which preschool (kindergarten) did [is] your child attend [attending]?
    Which elementary school is your child currently attending? (or your plan) *Required
    Home country or nationality of family members *Required
    Your phone number *Required
    Your e-mail address *Required
    Your postal address *Required
    Which enrollment date are you considering?
    [Regular course] Number of days you are considering sending your child to CGK *Grade 1-6

    Please answer this question as a tentative plan.

    [Advanced course] Number of days you are considering sending your child to CGK *Grade 5-7

    Please answer this question as a tentative plan.

    How did you find out about CGK? *Required
    Is this your first time contacting CGK? *Required
    What is your child's background in English learning?
    *We will conduct an English proficiency check interview prior to enrollment in the after-school program, and only successful candidates will be eligible for enrollment.
    What is your plan for your child after they graduate from elementary school?

    Please let us know if you have any plans such as "planning to go on to public junior high school" or "planning to move overseas in junior high school".

    Are you interested in enrolling in CGK Elementary School? *For those who are not currently a CGK Elementary student
    Free comment

    For open school, please let us know your schedule preference.

      Child's first name *Required
      Child's last name *Required
      Child's gender *Required
      Child's birth date *Required
      Child's current school grade *Required

      e.g. 5 year old class, grade 1

      Which preschool (kindergarten) did [is] your child attend [attending]?
      Which elementary school is your child currently attending? (or your plan) *Required
      Child's nationality *Required

      Please indicate all nationalities held.

      Primary parent/guardian's name *Required
      Primary parent/guardian's nationality *Required
      Secondary parent/guardian's name *Required if applicable
      Secondary parent/guardian's nationality *Required if applicable
      Your phone number *Required
      Your e-mail address *Required
      Your postal address *Required
      Which enrollment date are you considering? *Required
      [Regular course] Number of days you are considering sending your child to CGK *Grade 1-6 *Required
      [Regular course] Which days of the week are you considering sending your child to CGK? *Grade 1-6 *Required
      [Advanced course] Number of days you are considering sending your child to CGK *Grade 5-7 *Required
      [Advanced course] Which days of the week are you considering sending your child to CGK? *Grade 5-7 *Required
      Child's allergies *Required if applicable
      [Regular course] Does your child want the bus service? (from elementary school, etc. to CGK) *Required

      Can be picked up at only eligible facilities (e.g. elementary schools). Click here for more details.

      How did you find out about CGK? *Required
      What is your child's background in English learning?

      Please fill in the details as it will be used as a reference for admission screening.

      What is your plan for your child after they graduate from elementary school?

      Please let us know if you have any plans such as "planning to go on to public junior high school" or "planning to move overseas in junior high school".

      Are you interested in enrolling in CGK Elementary School? *For those who are not currently a CGK Elementary student
      Free comment



      Click here to contact us from the old form.
