Bashamichi Campus
(Age 2 - Age 3)

Kannai Campus
(Age 4 - Grade 12)


Art Lesson for Project Work/アートレッスン紹介

Afterschool 2021.01.05

Here is an introduction to lessons at CGK Afterschool.

CGK's eight-week-long project works will be based on the main “Driving Question”.
Here are the Driving Questions for this "Art" lesson.

“How can we use light and sound to communicate different kinds of feelings without words?”
We followed this question with fun lessons each week that drew the student's interest.
Here are the comments of Mr. Bobby, the teacher who was in charge of the lessons.


Week 1
This weeks entry event, we talked about feelings and colors and what it means. We watched the movie “Inside out”, an animated movie about our feelings. With the main characters being different colors we talked about what the colors meant and what feelings they represented. We showed them their final project which was a media art project using color, light and sound.
Week 2
I introduced the story “My many colored days” by Dr.Seus and talked about what the colors mean and how for some people some colors could mean different things. We used a work sheet to help with our listening and matching the color with the feelings.
Dr.Seusの“My many colored days”というお話を紹介し、色の意味について考えたり、人によっては色の意味が違ってくることを話しました。そして、ワークシートを使って色と感情を一致させ、物語から学んだことを復習しました。
Week 3
We continued from the previous week and the students created a short book titled “My Many Colored Days” and made their own colored days book using the example we read last week.
先週に引き続き、色と感情について考え、オリジナル本“My Many Colored Days”を作成しました。
Week 4
With it being Halloween, we did a Halloween themed lesson. We learned about sound in movies and how people add sound to it. As a class we read the story “The woman who wasn’t afraid of anything.” After reading the story student groups made their own reading of the story adding sound effects that they made. During the presentation time of class each group shared a little bit from their reading and talked about what they used to make the sounds.
この週はハロウィンが近かったので、ハロウィンをテーマにしたレッスンを行いました。今週は特に音に注目したので、“The woman who wasn’t afraid of anything.”という物語を読み、参考にしながら、映画の中の効果音と、どのように音を加えるのかを学びました。クラスでは物語を読んだ後、グループごとに自分たちで作った効果音を追加して、クラスのみんなに読み聞かせをしました。プレゼンテーションの時間には、各グループが読んだ話の内容を少しずつ共有し、音を出すために何を使ったかを話しました。

Week 5
We learned about the different properties of light. We experimented with different objects and discussed the following terms: Opaque, Transparent, and Translucent. In student groups we read the story of Cat and Squirrel and did experiments with light and how to fix squirrels flashlight. In student groups they had to find different examples of the terms we learned.
今週、生徒たちは光の性質について学びました。さまざまな物を使って光について実験を行い、新しい単語についても実験を通して学びました。Opaque=不透明、Transparent=透明、Translucent=半透明。実験では、”Cat and Squirrel”という物語を読み、物語に出てくるリスの懐中電灯を直す方法について考えました。また、習った新しい単語に当てはまるものを探すことでその言葉の理解を深めました。

Week 6
We again looked at Cat and Squirrel and we learned about the different properties of sound. In students pairs they learned about what a tuning fork is and what it does. They learned how to transfer sound to an object and found different examples of this to use to make sound with the tuning fork. The students learned about soundwaves and how to see them as well as feel them. During presentation time, student pairs shared what they found with the tuning forks.
先週に引き続き、”Cat and Squirrel”の物語を読み、今週は音の性質について学びました。音叉を使って、「音叉」とは何か学び、音がさまざまな物体に伝わっていくことを知り、音波についても学ぶことができました。音の見え方や感じ方について話し合い、プレゼンテーションでは、ペアごとに音叉を使って分かったことや感じたことを発表しあいました。

Week 7
Student groups began to work on their final project picking a song and what kind of colors they plan on using for their final presentation. Student groups picked their song and begin to make their multimedia designs using flashlights and going over the song.
Week 8
For their final project, student groups created a multimedia art project using light, sound, and color. Student groups picked a song and shared their song and the colors they chose, why they chose it and discussed their thoughts with the class.

I was very proud to see each group present their work at the final presentation.
The light and sound artwork that each group came up with was very beautiful.

In the next art project activity, we are learning about "Tiny House".
The students are having fun with their imaginations as they think about what they should consider when designing a house, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of a tiny house.
次のアートのプロジェクト活動では、"Tiny House"について学んでいます。

Author Profile

Saeda Sueki-Au-Yeung  -  School Director  (Japan)JAPAN

School Director of CGK International School.
Graduated from a 4-year university in America, joined women's soccer team (National Champion).
After working in childcare and management at CGK Preschool and CGK Afterschool, she became the director of the entire CGK International School.

See profile  >

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