Why Does it Always Rain on Me?
At CGK Preschool, we take the children out for some outdoor play time whenever the weather is good enough for it.
With the rainy season upon us, whenever there is a break in the rain is a good time to go and play! Free play, especially when it is outside, is good for children to develop their social skills and learn through social interactions. The skills they can pick up, such as turn-taking or exploring new things, are fully transferrable to the classroom.
It is also a good time for the children to have a break, use their energy, and have some fun! CGK is located in a prime position in Yokohama where we can go to different parks and open spaces to play, or even use our school buses to go a bit further away.
At CGK, the children work hard and definitely play hard!
Author Profile
John - Preschool Principal (Australia)
Preschool Principal of CGK International School. From Australia.
After studying Education at the University of New South Wales (Australia), over 10 years of teaching from kindergarten to high school in Japan. Entertainer.