Bashamichi Campus
(Age 2 - Age 3)

Kannai Campus
(Age 4 - Grade 12)



TARP to TARP - A Camping Experience at a Camping-themed Cafe

Preschool September 10, 2021

The Sky Class (5-year-olds) went again to the camping themed cafe “TARP to TARP” for a hands-on camping lesson, after visiting previously two years ago.
The Sky Class have been excitedly studying about camping since August. They have been looking forward to it so much that even during their lunch breaks they would play pretend "camping".
Their homework assignment was to prepare a stick so they could roast marshmallows and make the classic camping snack, s'mores. The students asked their homeroom teacher, who loves camping, what kind of stick would be best and then they searched for the perfect one.

On the day of our camping lesson, a staff member of the cafe who used to be a kindergarten teacher taught the children about camping tools and how to use them. They also had the chance to experience setting up a tent, from assembling the frame to setting up the tent itself and they really enjoyed themselves the whole time.



When it was time for s'mores, the children used the branches they had brought with them and gathered round the camping stove to roast their marshmallows.


They slowly rotated their sticks a slight distance away from the flames so the marshmallows wouldn't catch fire. Then, after they were nicely browned, they placed them between chocolate covered crackers!


Enjoying their creamy s'mores with big smiles!



At the end, they were shown a big gas torch and listened to a talk about how, while camping is a lot of fun, they also need to remember that it can be dangerous.

As we were leaving one of the staff said "Come again with your family!" and the students replied, "Ok!". They happily made plans to visit the cafe again after chatting about how they're usually busy Saturday mornings but afterwards they would have time.

The only thing is, s'mores aren't usually on the cafe menu, so I'm worried the children have mistaken it as a place they can eat s'mores...

Author Profile

Reiko  -  Preschool Vice Principal  (Japan)JAPAN

Opening member of CGK International School since its opening in 2016 and current Preschool Vice Principal. Certified nursery teacher (hoikushi).
After working at a Japanese preschool, went to Victoria, Canada to study abroad. After returning to Japan, worked as the head of an international preschool. A big Disney lover.

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