Bashamichi Campus
(Age 2 - Age 3)

Kannai Campus
(Age 4 - Grade 12)



Evacuation Drill "Fire!" on May 15th(Mon)

Preschool May 17, 2017
This week we had our first fire drill of the year.

We do these drills monthly to teach our students about the real dangers of emergency situations, and how to react to each accordingly. Procedures sometimes vary between different kinds of emergency situations.
For example, how we protect ourselves during a fire is very different than how to act after an earthquake. But our kids are smart! They responded calmly and quietly to this week's drill, even our new friends!
The drill started by one of our teachers announcing the fire. Despite the panic in his voice, the students were able to stay calm and gather at the center of the room with their designated teachers. After that, everyone quickly lined up and headed outside by class, covering their mouths and noses and ducking until we safely left the school. They walked quickly and quietly in their pairs all the way to our school’s safety zone, where they listened to their teachers as we reviewed what a fire is and how important it is to stay calm and listen to the teachers without crying. And we are proud to say, almost anyone didn't cry. Everyone was very attentive and followed instructions without causing a scene.

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After reviewing the drill, everyone headed back to the school. We all made it safely back without mishap! Fortunately, there was no real fire at CGK, but even if there had been our students would have made it out safe and soundly with their wonderful responses. Great job, everyone!!


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