Bashamichi Campus
(Age 2 - Age 3)

Kannai Campus
(Age 4 - Grade 12)



Pizza Making at ImPasto

Preschool October 18, 2022

On September 29, Sky class had a great time making pizzas at ImPasto, a pizza restaurant at nearby Motomachi/Ishikawa-cho. Needless to say it was something that they had been looking forward to from the very beginning.

Leading up to the day, Sky class made some dough to practice kneading and shaping it. Through this, their creative juices started flowing as they came up with their ideas for the pizzas that they want to make. But were they able to do it on the day?

Dressed for success with their aprons and chef’s hats, Sky Class got right into it at ImPasto. They had to complete three tasks: decorating Venetian masks, making pasta, and making pizza.

Venetian Mask: The ImPasto staff kindly prepared Venetian masks for Sky class to decorate. The children had a great time letting their creative flair fly, decorating their masks and having a great souvenir to remember their visit to ImPasto.

Making pasta: Sky class made orecchiette, a pasta that originated Basilicata, a region in southern Italy. Because basilicata literally means earlobe in Italian, the children shaped their dough like earlobes. Once cooked, it was served with meat sauce.


Pizza making: With a lot of dough practice under their belt, Sky class was ready to make their pizzas. After the ImPasto chefs helped prepare the dough by stretching them out, the children had a wide range of toppings to put on their pizzas: sausage, ham, seafood mix, tomato sauce and cheese, Some children made simple pizzas with cheese and their favourite toppings. Others made pizzas that were super extra by using as many ingredients as possible. Whatever pizzas the children made, the children embraced the responsibility to create their own pizza and also the opportunity to express themselves through cooking. 

Once the pizzas were ready, they were baked in a large pizza oven for five minutes. When they were done, the pizzas came out of the oven with a nice char on them. It didn’t take long before the children dug into their pizzas, savouring their delicious creations and their hard work. 


After the eating was done, the children had a nice bout of food coma, but not before they showed their appreciation to the ImPasto staff by singing them a song.

We would like to thank everyone at ImPasto for letting us visit their wonderful restaurant and offering the children a great experience. You can find them on Instagram @impasto_2022 Grazie!

Author Profile

John  -  Preschool Principal  (Australia)Australia

Preschool Principal of CGK International School. From Australia.
After studying Education at the University of New South Wales (Australia), over 10 years of teaching from kindergarten to high school in Japan. Entertainer.

See profile  >

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