Bashamichi Campus
(Age 2 - Age 3)

Kannai Campus
(Age 4 - Grade 12)



A Walk in the (Memorial) Park

Preschool 2017.05.31
Yesterday we had our first Jungle-Ocean (Class) joint excursion to the always scenic Memorial Park. For those of you who may not know, this is the area around the big sail boat, just across from Landmark Tower.

Before beginning our journey, we got our Jungle (3 years old) and Ocean (2 years old) friends excited by saying we would have the very fun chance to play with new friends at the park today! It took us quite a while to get ready with all of the commotion this caused, but finally we were able to pair up our younger ocean sailors with our brave Jungle explorers before heading off on our unforgettable maiden voyage as CGK School. This was the first time we’ve had the opportunity to let our older students help and guide our younger ones … ever(!), and it went off without a hitch.


On the way to the park, things seemed to go even more smoothly than usual as our Jungle students felt their responsibility to help their younger ocean friends on their way. We could see a HUGE school of Jelly fish under the Benten Bridge that mesmerized us with their alien-like movement through the river.

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Once we arrived at Memorial Park after making our way briefly through the BEAUTY OF THE DREAM festival being hosted near the Nippon Maru Sail Boat, we had a quick drink and got down to business… of play, of course!

Mr. Satoru showed us how to make Grass Fireworks by throwing it up in the air, everyone played the game “Scary Mr. Kevin” with Scary Mr. Kevin, Ms. Saeda proved she’s got as much energy as our younglings by running with them up and down and up and down the hill…again and again! Ms. Yuka helped our friends look for 4-leaf clovers and play nicely while Mr. Ash took pictures and hid in the shade…because he’s really a vampire...
Finally, after we were exhausted from play, we got a drink of water and headed on our way back for today’s lunch. It took us a little longer than expected to get back to CGK, but even with our energy reserves low and cooking in the hot sun, our Jungle and Ocean friends were orderly and safe on their trek back.

公園遊び 公園遊び

Yesterday was a wonderful opportunity to let our younger and older students form and experience their natural roles as leaders and pupils, a fun and welcome change that went even better than expected! It’s great to see that our Jungle students took on their responsibility so naturally as they helped lead our ocean friends, and of course our ocean friends were so happy to be with the older and cooler Jungle class for our excursion.
We’re looking forward to our next adventure together!


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