Bashamichi Campus
(Age 2 - Age 3)

Kannai Campus
(Age 4 - Grade 12)



Sports Day 2021

Preschool November 26, 2021

In a year filled with many sporting highlights, our sixth CGK Sports Day must rank as one of the most memorable ones in 2021.

As the French cultural leader Daft Punk once declared, “Harder, better, faster, stronger.” you could say that was the children’s attitude for Sports Day: to go harder, better, faster, stronger.


In the best possible conditions that we could ask for at the always lovely Rinko Park, the children pushed themselves and never gave up as they competed and participated in the finest sporting spirit.



All the months of practice and hard work were well worth it as all the classes’ games and races were a big success.

Of course, none of it would have been possible without the support of all the families at CGK.
Thank you for your constant support and understanding as we tried to host the best Sports Day that we could.


We hope everyone had as much fun as we did on the day.
But don’t get too comfy because we’ll be going harder, better, faster, stronger for next year's Sports Day!

Author Profile

John  -  Preschool Principal  (Australia)Australia

Preschool Principal of CGK International School. From Australia.
After studying Education at the University of New South Wales (Australia), over 10 years of teaching from kindergarten to high school in Japan. Entertainer.

See profile  >

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