Science Lesson for Project Work/サイエンスレッスン紹介
Here is an introduction to lessons at CGK Afterschool.
CGK’s two-month-long project works will be based on the main “Driving Question”.
Here are the Driving Questions for this “Science” lesson.
CGKの2ヶ月間に渡って行うプロジェクト活動では、メインとなる”Driving Question”に基づいて学んでいきます。
今回の「サイエンス」レッスンでのDriving Questionはこちらです。
“What can you create with a cardboard box?”
The lesson theme was “Box Project.”
レッスンテーマは「Box Project」です。
We followed this theme and question with fun lessons each week that drew the student’s interest.
Here are the comments of Mr. Dan and Ms. Kitty, the teachers who were in charge of the lessons.
Week 1
Students were introduced to the core ideas behind PBL which will serve as a good introduction for new students and a good reminded for second year students. Students were informed that for this project they will be working together to create something for the school out of cardboard boxes. We read the book a box can be many things together and discussed it`s message and how with a little creativity a box could become anything you wanted it to be. Students then discussed images of things made from boxes and if they were good practical things they could make. Students then worked in teams to come up with ideas that they could make for their project. The idea behind this was for students to start talking about making compromises and incorporating ideas from different members of the group into a final idea. Students did produces many ideas, however, although their designs were creative they missed the goal of planning something practical and working together as a team.
Week 2
For week 2 we went back to the drawing board and reviewed last weeks lesson reading the book again and looking at pictures. The difference this time was there was a renewed focus on achievability, practicality, and teamwork. Using examples of designs from the previous week we critiqued them as a group and focused their thinking on making something everyone can enjoy, something the whole group can decide to make, and something that isn`t far too ambitious. Students were then assigned new groups and had to again come up with a design that everyone in their group could agree on that could also be practically made. The students really really impressed me this week with their ability to compromise and incorporate different ideas into a final design and made decisions through voting and talking. Some groups make more progress than others but everyone was so adult in how they went about working together I was honestly really proud of them all. For presentation they showed the class their ideas and listened to feedback. They will go away for the week thinking about changes they could make and material they will need for their final design next week.
Week 3
Students reviewed their drawings and ideas from week two by presenting to the class, explaining the concepts and answered questions from their peers and teachers. They were encouraged to take on board feedback where the ideas weren`t clearly understood and think about how they needed to improve the drawings/explanations. Ms. Kitty showed the class her idea for the Box Project (CGK Mailbox), presenting a poster which showed the final design, how the idea works and what it looks like inside. They separated into their working groups and were asked to discuss the final idea, takings votes if they weren`t able to come to a unanimous decision, and to produce a poster with their final design, detailed drawings and to write a shopping list of the required materials to build their project.
生徒たちは、2週目に描いた絵やアイデアをクラスで発表し、コンセプトを説明し、仲間や先生からの質問に答えて復習しました。生徒たちは、アイデアが明確に理解されていないというフィードバックを受け、どのように絵や説明を改善すべきかを考えるように促されました。Kitty先生は、自分が考えたボックスプロジェクト(CGK Mailbox)のアイデアを、最終的なデザイン、アイデアの仕組み、内部の様子を示すポスターを使ってクラスに紹介しました。ワーキンググループに分かれて、最終的なアイデアについて話し合い、全員一致でない場合は投票を行い、最終的なデザイン、詳細な図面、プロジェクトに必要な材料の買い物リストをポスターにして発表することになりました。
Week 4
As a class we reviewed the final posters the groups made in week 4 and talked about the different elements of the designs; how it works, the size, how they came to the final decision. Students asked questions if they wanted to know more about the idea and gave suggestions on how to improve things. Ms Kitty showed them her proto-type CGK Mailbox which was made from paper and how she had thought about the structure of her piece. The students went into their groups to refine their drawings and confirmed the final idea, then began to experiment with paper to think about how they will be making their final product.
Week 5
Ms. Kitty showed the class the CGK mailbox which she had made from cardboard to help the students understand how she followed the stages of designing, planning and then building. The class were given their cardboard boxes and discussed what they would be working on individually to work efficiently and started building their projects. Most students were communicating very well amongst their groups, thinking practically and being aware of the others working around them. Some groups faced problems with their structures but overcame the issues through discussion and asking for advice.
Week 6
The groups had a chat with Ms Kitty during learning center time to go over what they did last week, discuss what they planned to do today and what they wanted to achieve by the end of the day. When project time started everyone was able to start without any issues and worked really well on their box projects.
Week 7
The students continued to work on their boxes as it was the final day of project. Most of the groups finished their projects and were communicating really well amongst themselves but there was one group that wasn`t able to reach their target and complete everything. Overall it was a very productive day.
Week 8
Presentation week. The students practiced their individual roles and thought about what they wanted to say during the final presentation.
Group communication was very important in this project.
Groups in which the leader of the group was able to organize everyone's opinions, make decisions, and share ideas were able to move the project forward quickly.
However, groups that had opinions but could not come together as a group were not able to start work and seemed to fall behind.
The ability to cooperate in a group is one of the global skills that we value at CGK.
Our teachers support the elementary students in their lessons so that they can acquire this skill.
We will continue to create an environment where they can challenge themselves through trial and error through experiences that do not go well.
We will be happy to see the children grow in their future activities.
Our next science lesson will be on the subject of "CGK Pets."
If we were to keep one, what would be a suitable pet for afterschool? We will think about it while learning about the ecology of animals.
Author Profile
Saeda Sueki-Au-Yeung - School Director (Japan)
School Director of CGK International School.
Graduated from a 4-year university in America, joined women's soccer team (National Champion).
After working in childcare and management at CGK Preschool and CGK Afterschool, she became the director of the entire CGK International School.