Bashamichi Campus
(Age 2 - Age 3)

Kannai Campus
(Age 4 - Grade 12)



Opinions and Experiences of Parents / Guardians

[Afterschool: Grade 4] From Yuina's parents (July 2023)


She enrolled in the first class of CGK Preschool and is currently attending the CGK Afterschool while attending a public elementary school.
The inquisitiveness, curiosity, and rational leadership qualities that she has developed at CGK from an early age cannot be contained within the confines of a Japanese elementary school education, and we plan to transfer her to CGK Elementary School next year.

Since I myself don't understand English at all, I have made it a rule to have a solid Japanese environment at home and an English environment at CGK, which has allowed her to be incredibly bilingual.
Thanks to CGK's policy of not stifling her curiosity and encouraging her to enjoy everything she does, she is able to discover things every day and her insatiable appetite for knowledge seems to know no bounds.

Just as she looks forward to attending CGK, I am very much looking forward to her growth.

Thank you very much.

[Afterschool: Grade 4] From Eito's parents (June 2023)


We moved just as he was starting elementary school, so he had a different bilingual preschool before the move and then started attending CGK Afterschool after the move.

In the beginning, we were a little worried about whether he would be able to keep up with the high level of English at CGK, but his time at CGK is always filled with fascinating activities and projects that the children can actively and proactively work on. The teachers are very attentive and supportive of the students' development, so our son immediately loved going to CGK, and our worries soon vanished. In addition, on days when his elementary school finishes early or when there are days off, he always asks for the early extended care at CGK so that he can go to CGK as soon as possible, even if it's just for a minute or a second!

Because he is constantly exposed to a living English environment, he seems to see English and Japanese in the same way, as "a means of communicating" and is able to read books and write his diary in either English or Japanese without struggling. In addition, we are really impressed with the CGK library and diary that are designed to help students learn English in an independent and fun way at home, allowing them to make time to naturally to work on English even when they are not at CGK.

Without the CGK Afterschool, he would not be able to enjoy an environment where he could use English in a familiar way while living in Japan, so this is a real treasure for my son.

[Afterschool: Grade 1] From K.T.'s parents (June 2023)


Our son attended the CGK Preschool and very much wanted to join the CGK Afterschool. We also wanted him to maintain his English and communication skills that he had gained at the CGK Preschool.

He now attends three times a week, and while maintaining the English skills he learned in CGK Preschool, he learns about nature, animals, countries and other things the children are interested in. From the weekly PBL theme they make YouTube videos and learn about various points of view, which is very different from other elementary schools in Japan. They enjoy themselves in a completely new and fresh environment.

I'm sure he will continue to enjoy learning from the CGK Afterschool. Thank you so much.

[Afterschool: Grade 1] From Hakuba's parents (July 2023)


The CGK Afterschool program offers content-rich project (PBL) themes such as geography, animation, body composition, etc., which our son enjoys very much.

Also, he has been able to strengthen his English reading skills at the reading corner and improve his speaking skills through communication with teachers and class presentations. In addition, students can play games and sports in the sports corner. Even though it's an afterschool program, they really get a wealth of learning.

NEXT: About Study Abroad and Global Initiatives

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