Bashamichi Campus
(Age 2 - Age 3)

Kannai Campus
(Age 4 - Grade 12)


IB PYP Candidate School
Raising Real Global Kids Through Inquiry
International Preschool for
Childcare and Global Education

IB PYP Candidate School with Inquiry-based Curriculum
Providing World Standard Childcare and Global Education

Through "childcare" and "global education" from early childhood, CGK International School nurtures the physical and mental growth of children to provide them with infinite future possibilities. As an IB PYP candidate school, we offer a high-quality inquiry-based learning curriculum and aim to develop future lifelong learners.

What we nurture in these early childhood years are not only "cognitive skills," which are directly manifested as learning outcomes, but also "non-cognitive skills," such as communication and emotional maturity, which are important throughout the future. As an integrated school that continues through high school, we also focus on social-emotional learning, emphasizing appropriate timing and approach rather than short-term results.

We arouse children's interest and curiosity in new worlds and nurture them to have a truly global perspective.

Fulfilling Childcare & Education Program

At CGK, children are cared for full time from 8:30am to 5:00pm (8:00am to 7:00pm if extended care is included). There are no shorter hours or less than 5 day-a-week courses. (Only 2 year olds can choose from 2-5 days per week.)

While providing attentive care as a preschool, we offer a full curriculum along with a variety of programs, which are of the highest standard in both quantity and quality.

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IB Education

CGK has introduced the IB program, which is highly acclaimed around the world, and as an IB PYP candidate school, we implement an inquiry-based learning curriculum. One of CGK's founding missions has been to help our children develop a spirit of inquiry, and being an IB PYP candidate school is very important to us.

Through the IB transdisciplinary program, children naturally connect and understand the basic knowledge and concepts of multiple subjects without being aware of the boundaries of the subjects. IB is an ideal form of education in which children actively and vigorously enjoy inquiring and learning, rather than the old image of learning in which students sit in chairs and mechanically work on assigned tasks. Because it is student-centered, children naturally deepen their learning as if they were playing.

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Preschool in Japan

All of our Japanese teachers are qualified nursery teachers (hoikushi). Appropriate support by highly professional nursery teachers who are familiar with the growth of children in early childhood is very important not only for childcare but also for the quality of education, and we also collaborate with parents appropriately. As a preschool in Japan, we flexibly incorporate the best aspects of both Japan and other countries to provide childcare and education that emphasizes the development of non-cognitive skills based on a foundation that emphasizes children's wellbeing.

During daily Japanese language classes, children learn what they would learn in a Japanese preschool or kindergarten, such as cooperation, consideration, discipline, manners, etiquette, songs, crafts, musical instruments, and offer seasonal events, in cooperation with non-Japanese classes. With Japanese language time, IB inquiry-based learning is also approached in both English and Japanese to deepen inquiry and understanding.

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We have adopted the Singapore Maths curriculum, widely recognized as the best math curriculum in the world. Students who learned Singapore math regularly test the highest in international assessments such as the PISA test.

Our grade aligned math skills take into account the standards of multiple countries, including Japan, and are designed to ensure our students will be well prepared for any academic challenges regardless of where they may continue their learning after CGK.

Food Education

We collaborate with an Italian restaurant and farmers to create food education programs. On a daily basis, we not only teach the importance of food and good manners, but also offer a variety of hands-on experiences.

In the farming experience, we not only enjoy harvesting, but also provide special experiences with an awareness of the aim of each one, such as weed pulling, plowing, planting, cooking with the harvest, and cooking lessons by professional chefs and renting out a restaurant to experience a course meal. Using the example of food distribution from producer to consumer, we are working to deepen understanding of food from diverse perspectives. In a series of activities, we actively incorporate the SDGs into our food education, not only from the perspective of our daily lives, but also from the larger perspective of global issues related to food.

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P.E. / Swimming

Our P.E. and swimming classes are taught by professional instructors. The P.E. classes are based on the inquiry-based learning of the IB program, rather than just physical exercise and physical fitness.

We also offer year-round private swimming instruction in a heated indoor facility. Through 42 lessons starting at Age 3 class, students will learn the fundamentals of swimming.

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Authentic Experiences

Through a variety of events, both large and small, both inside and outside the school, students learn and experience many things that lead to a diverse spirit of inquiry.

These experiences are made possible with the cooperation of the local community (partners) and CGK student's families. We actively incorporates field trips as part of the children's inquiry-based learning, welcoming guest teachers and visiting various locations by school bus to further enhance the education provided to the children.

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Optional Classes

We offer optional classes after 4:30pm on weekdays to further nurture our children's individuality, abilities, and interests.

Programming and dance are offered in English, and Pygmalion and Ronri Engine are offered in Japanese. Pygmalion uses a math approach, while Ronri Engine uses a Japanese (Kokugo) approach to foster logical thinking. The Ronri Engine helps children attending international schools to further strengthen their Japanese language skills.

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Study Abroad

We offer a variety of programs to encourage children to become independent, lifelong learners. In addition to educational activities conducted under a student-centered policy on a daily basis, we offer programs such as hiking, international exchange events, Machinaka Ryugaku, overseas tours and short-term study abroad programs for parents and children so that children can gradually step up and become independent according to their level.

We place particular emphasis on our study abroad programs, and while we offer a variety of programs abroad, we strongly recommend going abroad because it gives children the opportunity to experience a new world. Exposure to different values and ways of thinking allows room to think and grow. Many of these programs can be participated in from preschool age.

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School Information

Name CGK International School - Preschool
Facility Type Unlicensed Nursery School
(Since opening, we have received a Certificate of Compliance according to the "Guidelines for Non-licensed Daycare Facilities" (認可外保育施設指導監督基準 under Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) seven years in a row without any written or verbal censure on any point. In the annual on-site inspection, a wide range of checks are carried out, from facility safety standards, disaster prevention, fire prevention, and evacuation drills, health and hygiene management, to the assignment of qualified personnel, guidance plans, childcare records, etc.)
Location <Bashamichi Campus (Age 2 and Age 3 classes)>
2F, 6-75 Otamachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa (Greater Tokyo) 231-0011, Japan

<Kannai Campus (Age 4 and Age 5 classes)>
2-25-2 Minaminakadori, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa (Greater Tokyo) 231-0006, Japan
Capacity (FY2024) 2 year olds: Approx. 36, 3 year olds: Approx. 24, 4 year olds: Approx. 48, 5 year olds: Approx. 24
*Ages as of April 1st
*Please note that the number of the capacity is subject to change.
School Days Monday to Friday
School Hours 8:00-19:00 (Regular school hours 8:30-17:00)
School Holidays Saturdays, Sundays, National holidays, Golden Week (Approx. 1 week), Summer holidays (Approx. 1 week), Winter holidays (Approx. 1 week), Spring holidays (Approx. 1 week)

<Bashamichi Campus (Age 2 and Age 3 classes)>

  • 3-minute walk from Bashamichi Station (馬車道駅) on the Minatomirai Line (directly to/from the Tōyoko Line and Fukutoshin Line)
  • 4-minute walk from Sakuragicho Station (桜木町駅) on the JR Keihin-Tōhoku Line
  • 5-minute walk from Kannai Station (関内駅) on the Yokohama Municipal Subway Blue Line

<Kannai Campus (Age 4 and Age 5 classes)>

  • 4-minute walk from Bashamichi Station (馬車道駅) on the Minatomirai Line (directly to/from the Tōyoko Line and Fukutoshin Line)
  • 5-minute walk from Nihon-ōdōri Station (日本大通り駅) on the Minatomirai Line (directly to/from the Tōyoko Line and Fukutoshin Line)
  • 5-minute walk from Kannai Station (関内駅) on the Yokohama Municipal Subway Blue Line
  • 7-minute walk from Kannai Station (関内駅) on the JR Keihin-Tōhoku Line
Other Uniform, school lunch, bus transportation

Bashamichi Campus (Age 2 and Age 3 classes) Layout

CGK International School Bashamichi's Floor Plan

Kannai Campus (Age 4 and Age 5 classes) Layout

CGK International School Kannai's Floor Plan

NEXT: Special Features

  • Preschool Inquiry

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(日本語は英語の後で) April 1st marked the official start of the CGK Afterschool Advanced Course. The advanced course is from 18:00-19:30 and available to grade 5 students and through Junior High School (consideration will be given to grade 4 students with advanced English skills)✏️ Our first project is student choice and we have decided to research the origin of the legendary Loch Ness Monster and create a timeline of events with the hypothesis that it is a myth and not a fact🗓 Student choice allows students to follow their own interests and build their research, critical thinking, and debate, and language skills in a way they decide. For more information about the Afterschool Advanced Course please feel free to get in touch😊4月1日、CGKアフタースクールのアドバンス(上級)コースが正式にスタートしました。アドバンスコースは18:00-19:30で、5年生から中学生までが対象です✏️(英語力の高い4年生には配慮します)最初のプロジェクトは生徒の選択制で、伝説のネス湖の怪物の起源を調査し、事実ではなく神話であるという仮説のもと、年表を作成することにしました🗓生徒が選択権を持つことで、生徒たちは自分の興味に従いながら、リサーチ力、批判的思考力、ディベート力、言語能力を身につけることができます。アフタースクール・アドバンス・コースの詳細については、お気軽にお問い合わせください😊#afterschool #afterschoolyokohama #アフタースクール #英語学童 #探究活動 #インターナショナルスクール #横浜 #インターナショナルスクール横浜 #internationalschool #cgkis #英語上級 #英語アドバンスコース
(日本語は英語の後で) You're invited to join our CGK Outdoors Club event - enjoying beautiful Oike Park🏞️CGK Outdoors Club is originally designed for CGK community for hiking and other outdoor activities🥾For this event, we invite other friends or family members who may not be members of the CGK community.This event will start with a gentle nature walk through the forest to the large children’s play area🛝The children’s play area is fantastic - the kids certainly won’t be bored! We hope you will be able to join us😄Oike Park/Children’s Nature ParkSunday, the 18th of February, 202410.30am-1.30pmCheck highlight for RSVP link!大池公園でのイベントについてお知らせします🏞️CGK Outdoors Clubは、CGKコミュニティのために企画された、ハイキングやその他のアウトドア・アクティビティを楽しむためのクラブです🥾
このイベントでは、CGKコミュニティのメンバーでないご友人やご家族も招待します。森の中を通って広い子供の遊び場までの穏やかな自然散策から始まります。子供用の遊び場は素晴らしく、子供たちはきっと退屈しません🛝 ぜひお気軽にご参加くださいね😄大池公園・こども自然公園2024/2/18 (日曜日)10.30am-1.30pmご予約はハイライトからリンクへ!#internationalschool #IB #cgkis #yokohama #プリスクール横浜 #インターナショナルスクール #インターナショナルスクール横浜 #国際バカロレア #outdoorsclub #アウトドアクラブ
(日本語は英語の後で)CGK and HelloWorld (the operator of Machinaka Ryugaku), have signed an agreement to work together to promote the development of global talent🌎HelloWorld offers a program called Machinaka Ryugaku. Instead of travelling overseas to experience a different culture, you can experience a new culture and spend time with an international family living in Japan by staying studying at their home for the weekend with homestay options from Kanto to Okinawa!CGK will work closely with HelloWorld to further promote the development of global human resources both internationally and domestically.CGKとまちなか留学を運営するHelloWorldは、グローバル人材育成の推進に向けた取り組みにおいて、相互に連携および協力するため、協定を交わしています🌎「まちなか留学」は50カ国以上のホームステイ先を独自で手配しており、日本国内で海外留学・海外ホームステイの模擬体験ができます。異文化を体験するために海外に旅行するのではなく、週末に体験できる気軽さも魅力の一つです。当校は、同社との連携を深め、さらなる国内外のグローバル人材育成を促進してまいります。#internationalschool #IB #cgkis #yokohama #studyabroad #helloworld #まちなか留学 #横浜 #インターナショナルスクール横浜 #国際バカロレア #海外留学