Bashamichi Campus
(Age 2 - Age 3)

Kannai Campus
(Age 4 - Grade 12)



Students Choice Lesson for Project Work/スチューデントチョイスレッスン紹介

Afterschool 2021.08.20

Here is an introduction to lessons at CGK Afterschool.

One of the Project Works over a two-month period is a course called “Student Choice.”
In this course, the children think up both the theme and the plan for their study, and learn in depth by focusing on their interests at the time.

The theme of this lesson was “Variety Show.”
Here are some comments from Mr. Dan and Ms. Kitty who were in charge of the lessons.


Week 1
We introduced to the students the foundations of what Kid`s choice is, and how they will get to decide what it is they want to be learning for the next 8 weeks. Students who had been involved in the first Kid`s Choice were able to help with explaining what the project is like. As a class we brainstormed ideas of what students would like to learn about and then they grouped off at the tables to discuss further ideas. The groups were able to come up with strong and interesting ideas and showed a lot of enthusiasm towards what they came up with. The new ideas were shared with the class which meant we were able to identify which subjects were popular; English Show, Science, Sports, Animals, Food, Crafts. The students then had time to think about their two favorite subjects and took an anonymous vote. Everyone was very excited as we revealed the votes and the two winners were English Show and Sports/Competition.
Kid’s Choiceとは何か、という基本的なことを説明し、これから8週間で何を学びたいかを生徒たちが決めることができるということを紹介しました。第1回目のKid’s Choiceに参加したことのある生徒たちが、このプロジェクトがどのようなものかを説明してくれました。クラスでは、生徒が学びたいことについてブレインストーミングを行い、その後、グループごとにテーブルに分かれてさらにアイデアを検討しました。各グループとも、しっかりとした面白いアイデアを出すことができ、自分たちが出したアイデアに対して熱意を持って取り組んでいました。新しいアイデアはクラスで共有され、English Show、Science、Sports、Animal、Food、Craftsといったテーマがありましたが、どれが人気なのか確認することができました。その後、生徒たちは自分の好きなテーマを2つ考え、匿名で投票しました。その結果、「English Show (英語劇)」と「Sports Competition(スポーツ大会)」が選ばれました。
Week 2
This week the students were brainstorming ideas for the two winning categories from week 1 (English Show and Sports competition). In their groups they came up with a variety of options for both; popular suggestions for English Show were magic shows, singing and a story performance. For the Sports competition, a lot of the groups came up with the idea of a CGK Olympics, where teams would be competing and possibly create a new sport that could be played. After all the ideas had been shared the students had to vote for which category they wanted to win, which was once again anonymous. As the votes were revealed there was a clear winner and it was English Show. Once English Show had been chosen, the students went back to discussing ideas of what they would want in the show in more detail. All the groups came up with similar ideas of having different elements to the show, with some people singing, a magic act, a dance routine and then having a story performed. It came down to three options: 1) having a variety show with different acts, 2)a story performance or 3) combining the two ideas. Everyone was happy to have the two options combined, so it was decided that Kids Choice this project will be a Variety Show with an animal story included.
今週は、1週目で選ばれた2つのテーマ(English ShowとSports competition)についてのブレインストーミングを行いました。English Showでは、マジックショーや歌、ストーリーパフォーマンスなどが人気でした。スポーツ試合では、多くのグループが「CGKオリンピック」というアイデアを出し、チームで競い合ったり、新しいスポーツを作ったりしました。すべてのアイデアが共有された後、生徒たちはどちらか一つのテーマを絞る投票をしなければなりませんでしたが、これもまた匿名にて行われました。投票結果が発表されると、明らかに1位となったのはEnglish Showでした。English Showが選ばれた後、生徒たちはEnglish Showに何を求めるか、より詳細なアイデアを出して話し合いました。どのグループからも、歌、マジック、ダンス、ストーリー等を盛り込んだショーはどうか、というアイデアが出されました。その結果、1)さまざまな演技をするバラエティーショー、2)ストーリーパフォーマンス、3)2つのアイデアを組み合わせる、という3つの選択肢が出てきました。最終的には、2つのアイデアを組み合わせた方がいいという意見が出て、今回のキッズチョイスは動物の話を入れたバラエティーショーに決定しました。

Week 3
Students discussed the variety show a little more and then decided on what section of the show they would like to do. The sections students decided on were magic show,  group singing and dancing, solo piano performance, solo singing, and two student MCs. Students then completed a planning sheet individually and in groups whilst doing research so they could make sure they knew what they were going to be doing for the next few weeks. Everyone managed to find what they wanted to learn through discussion and internet research. Students presented what they had decided to do, let the teachers know if they needed any additional equipment buying, and shared video clips so everyone could see what the variety show would look like.
Week 4
After a brief  catch up discussion about what they were doing students were given ipads, laptops, and all the equipment they needed to start practicing their performances.

Week 5
Because we will lose a work day due to a public holiday students practiced their performances really hard. We had a full run through of the variety show with student MCs running the whole thing. For a first run through everyone did amazingly well but there is room for improvement especially with audience interaction and showmanship.

Week 6
Students who were performing magic tricks were practicing talking about their acts with Mr Dan and had scripts they were able to read if they were unsure of what to say. The students who were performing songs carried on practicing their words and made props. We did a full run through of the show, giving advice on areas of improvement. Everyone was able to perform well but the students still need to feel confident with what they are saying to the audience.


The show was very well organized by the MCs, and all the performances were excellent, showing the results of much practice.
The students themselves seemed to be having a lot of fun, and I hope they will make the most of the experience of creating their own show in the future.
I am looking forward to seeing what theme will be chosen for the next lesson.

Author Profile

Saeda Sueki-Au-Yeung  -  School Director  (Japan)JAPAN

School Director of CGK International School.
Graduated from a 4-year university in America, joined women's soccer team (National Champion).
After working in childcare and management at CGK Preschool and CGK Afterschool, she became the director of the entire CGK International School.

See profile  >

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