Mission & Values
CGK's Mission and Code of Conduct
12+4-Year Continuum Education
Continuum education from 2 years old until high school graduation and the IB curriculum allow us to focus on education that is truly important for the future of the students.
School Life
For children, the school environment in which they spend their daily lives is extremely important for the healthy development of their mind and bodies. We are constantly working to improve the educational environment for the children which would result in a school where everyone in the CGK community can feel safe and secure.
About Preschool
Age 2-5
IB PYP World School. Full-time, 5-days-a-week enrichment curriculum for preschool, daycare, and kindergarten ages in Bashamichi/Kannai, Yokohama. CGK provides quality childcare and education. It nurtures non-cognitive skills in children through a global education centered on self-expression, critical thinking skills, and a spirit of inquiry.
About Elementary School
Grade 1-5
IB PYP World School. From Grade 1-5.Located in Kannai, Yokohama, our school provides an environment that nurtures internationally-minded individuals that can contribute to a better world, maximizing their opportunities for happiness in an increasingly global world.
About Middle School
Grade 6-9
Scheduled to open April 2025. We will provide an environment that nurtures internationally-minded individuals that can contribute to a better world, maximizing their opportunities for happiness in an increasingly global world. Students will study abroad for 1 year from the summer of the 2nd year of Middle school.
About Afterschool
Grade 1-7
After-school programs for elementary students. In order to emphasize authentic, inquiry-based activities, we screen for English proficiency before admission. We also conduct project activities based on PBL (project-based learning), which provide a lively and enjoyable environment for advanced and in-depth learning. We hold seasonal schools as well.
About Study Abroad & Global Initiatives
Age 2+
We focus on the unique experiences that can be gained by studying in a different culture and environment through various initiatives such as study abroad programs, developing independence programs, parent classes for international families, accepting short-term international students. The 7th grade students have a study abroad program for one year, starting in the summer.
About CGK Community
Since the opening of CGK, we have always pursued quality in our care and education of children. We value our community and all the people who support us in achieving this. In our growing CGK community, we are committed to providing a variety of engaging environments and opportunities for mutual development and a positive impact.
Kannai Campus 2-25-2 Minaminakadori, Naka-ku, Yokohama Kanagawa (Greater Tokyo) 231-0006, Japan TEL(EN): +81-(0)45-211-4690 TEL(JA): +81-(0)45-211-4427 FAX: +81-(0)45-211-4428
Bashamichi Campus 2F, 6-75 Otamachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama Kanagawa (Greater Tokyo) 231-0011, Japan TEL(EN): +81-(0)45-228-9397 TEL(JA): +81-(0)45-222-6467 FAX: +81-(0)45-222-6469
Daily Activities, Educational Content, Announcements, etc.
October 11, 2023Column
IB UOI and Japanese Class for Elementary Students Vol.1 at CGK International School
At CGK International School, the Japanese language classes for our ele…
October 5, 2023General
CGK and Yokohama Excellence Business Partnership Announcement
CGK is pleased to announce the beginning of a working relationship wit…
October 5, 2023共通
この度CGKは、横浜をホームとするプロバスケットボールチーム「横浜エクセレンス」のエクセレンスビジネスクラブの一員となりました。 横浜エク…
October 2, 2023コラム
国際バカロレアIB UOIの国語(日本語)Vol.1 - CGKインターナショナルスクール小学生の授業紹介
October 1, 2023Preschool
Subsidy of 37,000 yen per month for "Free Early Childhood Education and Care"
The Free Early Childhood Education and Care program started in Octob…
October 1, 2023プリスクール
2019年10月より開始した幼児教育・保育の無償化。 当校CGKプリスクールも認可外保育所として指導監督基準を満たす施設(*)であり、…
September 29, 2023Column
What is conceptual understanding in IB?
Ms. Darby, Elementary School Principal and IB PYP Coordinator at C…
September 29, 2023コラム
CGKインターナショナルスクールの初等部スクール長 兼 IB PYPコーディネーターであるDarby先生に、「国際バカロレアIBにお…
September 21, 2023初等部
September 21, 2023Elementary School
Adventures in Economics: Exploring the World of Money and Trade
We're excited to share the exciting journey our 2nd-grade students hav…
September 6, 2023初等部
September 6, 2023Elementary School
First Annual CGK Elementary Summer Camping Trip
Our first CGK camp trip was a huge success! The students had fun and o…
September 5, 2023コラム
August 29, 2023Column
Preschool 2-year-old Class, Sample Lesson
August 28, 2023コラム
プリスクールの2歳児クラスにおいても、導入からメイン活動までの流れを重視したレッスンや活動をおこなっています。 子供たちの探究心を刺激…
August 20, 2023Preschool
New Bus Stop at Yokohama Station East Exit
At CGK International School, in our ongoing effort to enhance the tran…
August 20, 2023プリスクール
August 6, 2023初等部
CGKサマーラボ "恐竜"
August 6, 2023Elementary School
"Dinosaur" CGK Summer Lab
CGK Summer Labs are for giving CGK Elementary Students an opportunity …
August 4, 2023Preschool
[2-year-old class] Flexible Choice of Days
Currently, our 2-year old class offers a 2-day course on Thursday and …
August 4, 2023プリスクール
Click here to contact us from the old form.
New School Bus Route
Toyoko Line (Musashi-Kosugi - Kikuna)Musashi-Kosugi - Kikuna
Study Abroad &Global Initiatives