Mission & Values
CGK's Mission and Code of Conduct
12+4-Year Continuum Education
Continuum education from 2 years old until high school graduation and the IB curriculum allow us to focus on education that is truly important for the future of the students.
School Life
For children, the school environment in which they spend their daily lives is extremely important for the healthy development of their mind and bodies. We are constantly working to improve the educational environment for the children which would result in a school where everyone in the CGK community can feel safe and secure.
About Preschool
Age 2-5
IB PYP World School. Full-time, 5-days-a-week enrichment curriculum for preschool, daycare, and kindergarten ages in Bashamichi/Kannai, Yokohama. CGK provides quality childcare and education. It nurtures non-cognitive skills in children through a global education centered on self-expression, critical thinking skills, and a spirit of inquiry.
About Elementary School
Grade 1-5
IB PYP World School. From Grade 1-5.Located in Kannai, Yokohama, our school provides an environment that nurtures internationally-minded individuals that can contribute to a better world, maximizing their opportunities for happiness in an increasingly global world.
About Middle School
Grade 6-9
Scheduled to open April 2025. We will provide an environment that nurtures internationally-minded individuals that can contribute to a better world, maximizing their opportunities for happiness in an increasingly global world. Students will study abroad for 1 year from the summer of the 2nd year of Middle school.
About Afterschool
Grade 1-7
After-school programs for elementary students. In order to emphasize authentic, inquiry-based activities, we screen for English proficiency before admission. We also conduct project activities based on PBL (project-based learning), which provide a lively and enjoyable environment for advanced and in-depth learning. We hold seasonal schools as well.
About Study Abroad & Global Initiatives
Age 2+
We focus on the unique experiences that can be gained by studying in a different culture and environment through various initiatives such as study abroad programs, developing independence programs, parent classes for international families, accepting short-term international students. The 7th grade students have a study abroad program for one year, starting in the summer.
About CGK Community
Since the opening of CGK, we have always pursued quality in our care and education of children. We value our community and all the people who support us in achieving this. In our growing CGK community, we are committed to providing a variety of engaging environments and opportunities for mutual development and a positive impact.
Kannai Campus 2-25-2 Minaminakadori, Naka-ku, Yokohama Kanagawa (Greater Tokyo) 231-0006, Japan TEL(EN): +81-(0)45-211-4690 TEL(JA): +81-(0)45-211-4427 FAX: +81-(0)45-211-4428
Bashamichi Campus 2F, 6-75 Otamachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama Kanagawa (Greater Tokyo) 231-0011, Japan TEL(EN): +81-(0)45-228-9397 TEL(JA): +81-(0)45-222-6467 FAX: +81-(0)45-222-6469
Daily Activities, Educational Content, Announcements, etc.
November 26, 2021Preschool
Sports Day 2021
In a year filled with many sporting highlights, our sixth CGK Sports D…
November 2, 2021Preschool
Halloween Event 2021
Halloween Event was held at CGK International School on October 29. F…
November 2, 2021プリスクール
10月29日にHalloween Eventを行いました。 朝からお互いのコスチュームを見て“So cool!”“So cute♪”と大盛…
November 1, 2021Afterschool
Students Choice Lesson for Project Work
Here is an introduction to lessons at CGK Afterschool One of the Proj…
November 1, 2021アフタースクール
2ヶ月にわたるプロジェクト活動の一つに、「スチューデントチョイス」という科目があります。 これは学ぶテーマもプランも子供たちが考え、その時…
CGKの2ヶ月間に渡って行うプロジェクト活動では、メインとなる"Driving Question"に基づいて学んでいきます。 今回の「ソー…
Social Studies Lesson for Project Work
Here is an introduction to lessons at CGK Afterschool. CGK's two-mont…
CGKアフタースクールでのレッスンについて紹介いたします。 CGKの2ヶ月間に渡って行うプロジェクト活動では、メインとなる”Driving…
Science Lesson for Project Work
Here is an introduction to lessons at CGK Afterschool. CGK’s two-mont…
Job Training Lesson for Project Work
Art Lesson for Project Work
October 27, 2021プリスクール
ここ横浜でも、葉っぱが茶色くなって地面に落ち、日が短くなると、ハロウィンの季節です! ハロウィンは怖いこともありますが、CGKプリスクール…
October 27, 2021Preschool
Happy Halloween!
As the leaves turn brown and fall to the ground and the days get short…
October 18, 2021Preschool
Eye Protection Day with Mr. Kuriyama and his guide dog Angie
Every year on October 10, eye protection day at CGK International Scho…
October 18, 2021プリスクール
目の愛護デー ~栗山様と盲導犬のアンジーを迎えて~
毎年、10月10日の愛護デーには、視覚に障がいを持った方や盲導犬について子供たちに伝えています。 そして今年は、盲特別支援学校の職員をして…
October 14, 2021プリスクール
お芋堀り -Sweet Potato Digging- By Jungle Class
先日、Jungleクラス(年少)はお芋掘り体験に行ってきました。 スクールバスで遠出をするのも、初めてのJungleクラス。 高速道路に…
October 14, 2021Preschool
Sweet Potato Digging by Jungle Class
The other day, the Jungle class (3-year-old class) at CGK Internationa…
September 21, 2021プリスクール
Job Training "Architect" ~建築事務所の仕事場見学~
Sky(年長)クラスは今月よりJob Trainingとして“Architect(建築家)”について学んでおり、その一環として、近くにある建…
September 21, 2021Preschool
Job Training "Architect" -Tour of Architectural Office Workplace-
The Sky (5-year-old) class has been learning about "architects" as par…
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New School Bus Route
Toyoko Line (Musashi-Kosugi - Kikuna)Musashi-Kosugi - Kikuna
Study Abroad &Global Initiatives